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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cosmic strings.cmap, COSMIC STRINGS 2. Topological condensation of cosmic strings and TGD coun- terpart of inflation. a) Cosmic strings basic objects in primordial cosmology before or- dinary cosmology in which space- time surfaces representable as graphs for maps M^4→CP_2 do- minate. Gas of cosmic strings in M^4_+ (future light-cone) carry- ing only classical em fields. b) The magnetic energy of cosmic strings represents energy of infla- ton field. The magnetic energy of topologically condensed gradual- ly thickening cosmic strings - flux tubes - represents dark energy. The decay of cosmic strings to or- dinary and dark matter corresponds to the decay of the vacuum energy energy of inflaton field to ordinary and dark matter. The conservation of monopole flux and thickening of cross section implies that the energy density per length decrea- ses during expansion. c) The phase transition to radiati- on dominated cosmology described by quantum critical cosmology for which 3-D curvature scalar vanish- es. This cosmology unique apart from its duration. The period ends with accelerating expansion ana- logous to inflationary period in or- dinary cosmology. d) The fluctuations of CMB tempe- rature are due to the fluctuations in the exact time for the end of the transition period. The recently claimed local polarization of CBM temperature could be understood as having gravitational origin but also synchrotron radiation from magnetic flux tubes could contri- bute., COSMIC STRINGS 1. Cosmic strings: a) Basic extremals of Kähler action. M^4 projection minimal surface as in string models. CP_2 projection geodesic sphe- re, and more generally, com- plex sub-manifold of CP_2. b) String tension proportional to hbar/alpha_KR^2. In string models string tension of form hbar/L_P^2 propto 1/G. The counterpart of string tension in p-adic mass calcu- lations assumed to be propor- tional to hbar/R^2. If one uses the hbar/alpha_KR^2 the value of must be assumed to be larger by factor 1/alpha_K. c) Emergence of strings from well-defined em char- ge for spinor modes. Spinor modes restricted to to 2-D string world sheets or partonic 2-surfaces with vanishing W fields have well-defined em charge. Also the vanishing of classical Z^0 field is possible and implies vanishing of large parity breaking effects in long length scales at least. c) Conjecture. Preferred ext- remals with vanishing classical W and Z^0 fields are possible (so that spinor modes have well-defined em charge and purely vectorial couplings) and have 2-D CP_2 projection which is either geodesic sphe- re or complex sub-manifold of CP_2. Cosmic strings corre- spond to these extremals., COSMIC STRINGS 2. e) Cosmic string's magnetic energy would explain the origin of cosmo- logical constant. GRT space-time would be effective notion with met- ric defined as sum of M^4 metric and the deviations of various space-time sheets at which particle has topologi- cal sum contacts. This metric is not in general imbeddable to M^4xCP_2 but Poincare invariance suggests that it obeys Einstein's equations with cos- mological constant at least in statis- tical sense. Cosmological constant Λ would parametrize the presence of topologically condensed magnetic flux tubes. f) Cosmic strings carry monopole magnetic flux through the 2-D cross section which is closed 2-D surface unlike for ordinary Maxwellian flux tubes. No current is needed to create the magnetic field. This would explain the presence magnetic fields in all length scales. In ordinary cosmology they presence is very difficult to un- derstand since the currents would be random and would not give rise to magnetic fields in required long sca- les. g) Magnetic flux tubes dominate also the asymptotic assumed to satisfy the condition that Einstein tensor de- fines conserved isometry currents: this implies that the space-time surfa- ce is extremal of curvature scalar for induced metric. Mass density behaves as 1/a^2, a light-cone proper time., COSMIC STRINGS 3. Cosmic strings would be also key players in astro- physics. a) The constant orbital ve- locity spectrum for distant stars rotating around gala- xies inspired the hypothesis that a suitable halo of dark matter is responsible for it. b) The simplest TGD expla- nation is that the visible parts of galaxies are decay predicts of cosmic strings extended to magnetic flux tubes along long magnetic flux tube and like pearls in necklace. There exists em- rical support for the arran- gement of galaxies along linear structures. c) Galaxies could be also at junctions of two cosmic strings which have collided and started to decay to ordinary matter. d) Also stars could be ar- ranged along thick magnetic flux tubes originating from cosmic strings., COSMIC STRINGS 4. Summary: In the fractal TGD Unverse cos- mic strings and the magnetic flux tubes resulting as their M^4 projection expands, would be in key role of dynamics in all scales. Even elementary partic- les would correspond to pairs of lux tubes at parallel space-time sheets connected by wormhole contacts.